Bharat Gas has been a precursor in bringing technology to our prestigious clients. Keeping this tradition alive, we are bringing you IVRS facility for refill booking. This facility offers you the flexibility and convenience of booking your refill cylinder at anytime, from anywhere in the country.
The benefits of using IVRS for refill cylinder booking are many:
• You can book the cylinder at your convenience 24 x 7 on all 365 days.
• No extra charges.
• You can choose the language - Options of Local Language / Hindi / English are available.
• You will receive Confirmation of Booking through SMS.
• You will also receive Confirmation of Delivery through SMS.
To avail IVRS, you just need to register your phone number (landline and/or mobile) with your LPG distributor which is one time exercise. To register your phone number, download the form from official website of Bharatgas While registering, it is preferable to register with both landline & mobile number to receive confirmation SMS anytime, anywhere.
Using the facility is very simple, you have to just dial the unique IVRS number for the State and follow instructions. Example: if you are an LPG customer residing in the State of Maharashtra, you need to dial 9420456789. Just follow the instructions and your refill will be booked instantly.